Uploading Certification Requirements from Orders

When the requirement is met through a manual update, this screen calls a process that scans the selected orders to validate the customer’s certification requirements. From this screen, you can retrieve and view the product orders for potential updates to certification records.


When the orders are uploaded, a list of all certification hits displays. The hits are records that will update a certification requirement for a customer.

Orders outside of the certification date range will not complete a certification requirement

To upload from orders:

1.    From the Certification Definition or Certification Registration and Tracking screen, click Upload from Orders from the Certification Activities task category.
The Upload from Orders search screen displays.

2.    Search for and select a product from which to upload.
The Upload from Orders screen displays, as shown below.

3.    Select the Credit Date from the drop-down.

4.    In the Scope section, if necessary, select whether this upload is restricted to one certification program and select that program.

5.    In the Date Range for Orders section, if necessary, select whether this upload is restricted to orders in a date range and select that date range.

6.    Click Scan Orders Records.
The system scans for orders for the product and customers part of certification programs.

7.    Click Process the Results.