Paragraph 1: Average Qualified Circulation Breakout for Period

Average Qualified Circulation

Paragraph 1 reports on both the qualified paid and non-paid circulation based on the following categories:

·            Individual – Subscription issues are addressed individually to a person, a company, a department, or to any other unit.

·            Sponsored Individually Addressed – Includes sponsored, group, and gift subscriptions that are not multi-copies to the same addressee; these copies are individually addressed. This is a category that is usually not used by associations.

·            Membership Benefit – Includes subscriptions that are given to members as a benefit of membership in an association. A portion of the membership dues price can be allocated to the cost of the subscription.

·            Multi-Copy Same Addressee – Includes subscriptions where two or more copies of the publication (whether or not individually wrapped and addressed) are sent to a single addressee at the same address.
 The subscriber must have the same Address ID and Subscriber Customer ID. 

·            Single Copy Sales – Includes copies of issues ordered by non-subscribers or extra copies order by subscribers.


With the exception of “Multi-Copy Same Addressee”, these categories are assigned to subscriptions in the system by the audit type code defined for the rate code on either the subscription order or the member-benefit subscription record created for a membership order. Although an audit type code of MC can be defined for a subscription rate code, the SUB670/SUB671 batch processes evaluate subscriptions to identify subscriptions for which multiple issues are being fulfilled to the same subscriber at the same address and then update the audit type code to MC, regardless of the audit type code that had been assigned to the subscription rate code. The original audit type code is saved in Sub_Audit_Stats.ORIGINAL_AUDIT_TYPE_CODE.

Average Non-Qualified Circulation

Recipients of the publication who do not meet the publication’s definition of the “Field Served” or “Recipient Qualification” are counted as non-qualified circulation. For example, issues sent to advertisers or distributed as sample copies are counted as non-qualified. Non-qualified circulation is included because the BPA audit accounts for all printed copies of a publication.


Paragraph 1 Logic

Counts are calculated from Sub_Issue_Fulfillment and Sub_Audit_Stats first by grouping fulfilled issues by Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_CODE and then by Sub_Audit_Status.AUDIT_TYPE_CODE. Sub_Issue_Fulfillment.FULFILLED_QTY for each issue in the audit statement period are totalled. The counts for each issue are then added together and divided by the number of issues to get the average count by qualification code and audit type code for the six months in the statement period. For example, if the audit is being generated for the June statement, then the counts are calculated and averaged for the January through June issues. If the audit is being generated for the December statement, then the counts are calculated and averaged for July through December issues.


The records selected from Sub_Audit_Stats, Sub_Issue_Fulfillment are for the subscription Parent_Product specified in the BPA900 audited subscription parameter where the subscription issue date falls between the start issue of the audit statement period and the end issue of the audit statement period and

Sub_Issue_Fulfillment.ISSUE_FULFILL_TYPE_CODE in ('P','G','B',’S’) (Production, Grace Issue, Back Issue and Single-Copy Sale) and Sub_Audit_Stats.AUDIT_TYPE_CODE <> 'RI' (Replacement Issue) and Sub_Issue.SUPLEMENT_SEQUENCE = 0. (A parameter called “Include Back Issues for BPA” is provided on SUB671 so that an organization can decide whether back-issues should be included in the audit. If the parameter is set to N, no Sub_Audit_Stats record will be generated for the back issues.)

Qualification Code

Qualification Code is calculated and assigned as follows (and qualification code is assigned in the order listed):

If Order Line Subsystem Is:

If Audit Type Code Is:

If Condition Is:

Qualification Code Is Set To:


A (Advertiser and Agency)

NQD (Not Qualified Digital)

O (All Other)

OP (Other Paid)

RI (Replacement Issue)

RO (Rotated or Occasional)

TS (Allocated to Trade Shows)

Not Applicable

NQ (Not Qualified)



Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE < Issue_Date minus 3 years

NQ (Not Qualified)


I (Individual)

S (Sponsored individually addressed)

MC Multi - copy Same Addressee

Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE < Issue_Date minus 3 years

NQ (Not Qualified)



Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE >= Issue_Date minus 3 years

QNP (Qualified Not Paid)


I (Individual)

S (Sponsored individually addressed)

MC Multi - copy Same Addressee

SC Single Copy Sales

  • Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE >= Issue_Date minus 3 years and

  • ((If Order_Detail. BASE_EXTENDED_AMOUNT = 0 for either the subscription order line, the membership master order line or the membership sub-product order line to which a member-benefit subscription is linked)


  • (If the issue date is >= 6 months from the start of the subscription and no receipt has been applied to the order line (type 1 or type 3 txn)))

QNP (Qualified Not Paid)



  • Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE >= Issue_Date minus 3 years and

  • ((If Order_Detail. BASE_EXTENDED_AMOUNT = 0 for either the subscription order line, the membership master order line or the membership sub-product order line to which a member-benefit subscription is linked)


  • (If the issue date is >= 6 months from the start of the subscription and no receipt has been applied to the order line (type 1 or type 3 txn)))



I (Individual)

S (Sponsored individually addressed)

MC Multi - copy Same Addressee

Single Copy Sales

  • Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE >= Issue_Date minus 3 years and

  • ((If Order_Detail. BASE_EXTENDED_AMOUNT > 0 for the subscription order line)


  • (If the issue date is >= 6 months from the start of the subscription and no receipt has been applied to the order line (type 1 or type 3 txn)))

QNP (Qualified Not Paid)



  • Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE >= Issue_Date minus 3 years and

  • ((If Order_Detail. BASE_EXTENDED_AMOUNT = 0 for either the subscription order line, the membership master order line or the membership sub-product order line to which a member-benefit subscription is linked)


  • (If the issue date is >= 6 months from the start of the subscription and no receipt has been applied to the order line (type 1 or type 3 txn)))

QP (Qualified Paid)

Qualification Code is calculated and assigned as follows :

·            Qualification Code is set as NQ (not qualified) if the Sub_Audit_Stats.AUDIT_TYPE_CODE is :

o           A (Advertiser and Agency)

o           NQD (Not Qualified Digital)

o           O (All Other)

o           OP (Other Paid)

o           RI (Replacement Issue)

o           RO (Rotated or Occasional)

o           TS (Allocated to Trade Shows)

·            Else Qualification Code is set to NQ if Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE < Issue_Date

·            minus 3 years

·            Else Qualification Code is set to QNP if Sub_Audit_Stats.AUDIT_TYPE_CODE = MBU (membership

·            benefit unpaid)

·            Else Qualification Code is set to QNP if :

o           If Order_Detail.BASE_EXTENDED_AMOUNT = 0 for either the subscription order line, the membership master order line

o           or the membership sub-product order line to which a member-benefit subscription is linked or if the issue date is >= 6 months from the start of the subscription and no receipt has been applied to the order line (type 1 or type 3 txn)

·            Else Qualification Code is set to QP.     


Audit Type Code is selected from Sub_Audit_Stats.AUDIT_TYPE_CODE.

The average number of issues is rounded up or down, based on the fraction; issue counts are only displayed in whole numbers. If a user adds the average count for each month, it is possible that the total average count may be off by one or two because of rounding.

The QUALIFICATION CODE is set based on the logic described in the chart below:

Order Line Subsystem





MBP (Membership Benefit Paid)


If Order_Detail.BASE_EXTENDED_AMOUNT > 0 or a receipt amount > 0 has been applied to the order within 6 months of the first issue


MBU (Membership Benefit Unpaid)




I (Individual)


If the Qualification Date (Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE) > Issue_Date minus 3 years and at least 1 cent has been paid within 6 months of first issue


If the Qualification Date (Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE) >= Issue_Date minus 3 years but no payment has been made within 6 months of first issue


If the Qualification Date (Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE) < Issue_Date minus 3 years




MC (Multi-copy Same Addressee)


If the Qualification Date (Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE) > Issue_Date minus 3 years and at least 1 cent has been paid within 6 months of first issue


If the Qualification Date (Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE) <= Issue_Date minus 3 years and no payment has been made within 6 months of first issue




S (Sponsored individually addressed)


If the Qualification Date (Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE) > Issue_Date minus 3 years and at least 1 cent has been paid within 6 months of first issue


If the Qualification Date (Sub_Audit_Stats.QUALIFICATION_DATE) <= Issue_Date minus 3 years and no payment has been made within 6 months of first issue




SC (Single Copy Sales)


If the Line Total (Order_Detail.BASE_TOTAL_AMOUNT) > 0


If the Line Total (Order_Detail.BASE_TOTAL_AMOUNT) = 0




A (Advertiser or Agency)


Subscriptions to advertisers and ad agencies are always classified as not qualified.


O (Others)


Subscriptions with an audit type code of ‘O’ for ‘Others’ are always classified as ‘not qualified’.


RO (Rotated or Occasional)


Subscriptions with an audit type code of ‘RO’ for ‘Rotated or Occasional’ are always classified as ‘not qualified’.


TS (Allocated to Trade Shows)


Subscriptions with an audit type code of ‘TS’ for ‘Allocated to Trade Shows’ are always classified as ‘not qualified’.

Sample BPA900 Paragraph 1 Report