BPA500 – BPA Paragraph 1-4 Detail Report

This report lists all of the detail behind the values that appear on the paragraph reports or in the BPA Excel spreadsheet.

To run the BPA500 report:

1.    From the toolbar, select Reporting > Job Submission.
The Job Submission search screen displays.

2.    Perform a search for and select the "BPA500" batch process.
The Job Submission screen displays for the BPA500 report, as shown below.

3.    Click the Publication link.
The Generic Chooser displays with a list of subscriptions that have been set up for BPA auditing.

4.    Highlight the appropriate subscription product and click Select.

5.    Select the Issue Date from the drop-down.

6.    Click the Paragraph Number link.
The Generic Chooser displays allowing you to choose one of six BPA paragraphs.

7.    Highlight the appropriate paragraph and click Select.

8.    Click the Detail 1 link.
The Generic Chooser displays. The filter values are determined by the BPA paragraph selected in step 7.

9.    Highlight the appropriate code and click Select.

10.  Click the Detail 2 link.
Generic Chooser displays. The filter values are determined by the BPA paragraph selected in step 7.

11.  Highlight the appropriate code and click Select.

12.  Enter either “Y” or “N” in the Include Qualified Paid text box.

13.  Enter either “Y” or “N” in the Include Qualified Non Paid text box.

14.  Enter either “Y” or “N” in the Include Non Qualified text box.

15.  Click the Mode link.
The Generic Chooser displays.

16.  Highlight whether you want the report to run in DETAIL or SUMMARY mode and click Select.

17.  From the TRS Tasks task category, click the appropriate link:

·            Upload input file – Uploads a file from your hard drive into the system (you should not use this for BPA reporting).

·            Run this report now – Immediately runs the report regardless of the Start Job On date selected.

·             Submit to TRS server – Submits this job to the server where it will be run on the Start Job On date.

·             Submit on hold – Submits this job to the server, but will not be run until the hold is released.

·             Schedule this request – Opens the Job Scheduling screen. From this screen you can schedule when you want the report to be run (this is not used for BPA reporting).

18.  Verify the report outputs and go back and make corrections to the data as necessary.

Job Parameter



Read-only. Defaults to the organization you are working within.

Organization Unit

Read-only. Defaults to the organization unit you are working within.


Link and text box. Identifies the Parent_Product code of the publication you are auditing.

Issue Date

Drop-down. Identifies the audited issue date used for reports that require six month periods. For Paragraph 2 analysis, this identifies a specific issue within the audit period and not necessarily the audited issue.

Paragraph Number

Link and text box. Identifies the BPA Paragraph. Valid values include:

·       Average Qualified Circulation for the six month period

·       Qualified Circulation by issue with Removals and Additions

·       Business/Occupational Breakout of Qualified Circulation for audited issue

·       Qualification Source Breakout of Non-Paid Circulation for audited issue

·       Mailing Address Breakout of Qualified Circulation for audited issue

·       Geographical Breakout of Qualified Circulation

Detail 1

Link and text box. When clicked, opens the Generic Chooser. The options displayed in the Chooser differ depending on which paragraph was selected in the Paragraph Number text box.

If Paragraph 4 was selected for the Paragraph Number, leave this field blank.

Detail 2

Link and text box. When clicked, opens the Generic Chooser. The options displayed in the Chooser differ depending on which paragraph was selected in the Paragraph Number text box.

If Paragraph 4 was selected for the Paragraph Number, leave this field blank.

Include Qualified Paid

Link and text box. Allows you to either include or restrict Qualified Paid recipients from displaying in the report.

Include Qualified Non Paid

Link and text box. Allows you to either include or restrict Qualified Non Paid recipients from displaying in the report.

Include Non Qualified

Link and text box. Allows you to either include or restrict Non Qualified Paid recipients from displaying in the report.


Link and text box. When clicked, opens the Generic Chooser with two options:

·       Summary – Prints list of Order Number/Line Number/Order_Date/Product_Code/Rate_Structure/Rate_Code.

·       Detail – Prints the contents of the Sub_Audit_Status table.