Defining Advertising Organization Unit Settings

The first thing that needs to be done when implementing the Advertising subsystem is to set up your organization unit’s settings related to Advertising. All of the advertising product types are listed with predefined defaults you can change to reflect your organization’s business rules. When a new advertising product is created, the system automatically sets the flags to the values defined here based on the product type of the advertising product.


Organization unit settings consists of two screens: Advertising Product Control and Advertising Parameters.


As of the 7.1 release, an enhancement has been added that creates advertising schedules and advertising schedule detail records automatically whenever a product pricing record is created or updated for an advertising product. A batch process is also provided that is to be run once a year (at the end of the year) to create advertising schedule detail records for advertising schedules where no record exists for the year coming to an end.

All advertising products now have their own advertising rate card schedules and advertising schedules are not shared.

Customers using the Advertising Subsystem prior to the 7.0.8 release must run an upgrade process to convert customer data to ensure advertising products have unique advertising schedules.

To set up your organization unit’s advertising product control:

1.    From Advertising Central, click the Organization Unit Defaults icon in the Advertising System Setup section, as highlighted below.

2.    Search for and select the organization unit for which you want to set up the Advertising subsystem.
The Organizational Unit Maintenance detail screen displays.

3.    From the Advertising Control task category, click Advertising Product Types.
The Advertising Product Control screen displays with a list of default Product Types, as shown below.

4.    Click Synchronize Advertising Product Defaults.

5.    Highlight a Product Type you want to modify.

6.    Check the checkboxes that apply:

·            Print Ad

·            Web Ad

·            Use Rate Card Schedule

·            Default Require Contract

·            Default Fulfill Frequency

·            Include in Percentage Surcharge Fee Calculation

·            Eligible for Sales Commission

·            Eligible For Agency Commission

·            Renewable

·            Include in Page Plan

·            Include In Display Ad Page Count

7.    Click Synchronize Advertising Product Defaults.

8.    Click Save.

9.    From the Subsystem Parameters task category, click Line Status Defaults.
The Line Status Defaults for New Orders screen displays, as shown below.

10.  Select "Active" from the Default Advertising Status drop-down, as highlighted above.
As an advertising best practice, you want advertising order lines to default to a status of "Active".

11.  Click Save.

Screen Element


Synchronize Advertising Product Defaults

Button. When clicked, the Product Type default values are applied to the current org unit.  This should always be performed every time a new Org/Org Unit is created. This is a one-time action.

Defaults for Advertising Product Types

Product Type

Drop-down. Allows you to select the type of product this is. The product types available are taken from the PRODUCT_TYPE in System Types and Codes. This is a fixed code.

Print Ad

Checkbox. The Print Ad checkbox determines whether the product type default is print.

Web Ad

Checkbox. The Web Ad checkbox determines whether the product type default is Web.

Use Rate Card Schedule

Checkbox. This checkbox identifies the advertising product type codes of advertising products for which advertising rate card schedule detail records should be automatically created by the system. When an advertising product is created with the product type code associated with the App_Org_Unit_Adv_Prod_Type_Defaults, the value in this field defaults into the Adv_Product USE_ADV_SCHEDULE_FLAG.

Contract Related Details

Default Require Contract

Checkbox. If this option is checked, all products with this product type default to “Requires Contract.” This can be changed, however, during product creation.

Default Fulfill Frequency

Checkbox. If this option is checked, all products with this product type apply towards the purchasing customer’s frequency commitment by default. This can be changed, however, during product creation.

Insertion Order Related Defaults

Include in Percentage Surcharge Fee Calculation

Checkbox. When a new advertising product is created with the same product type code as this record, the Include In Percent Fee flag is set to the value defined for this field. Some types of advertising fees are not flat fees, rather they are based on a percentage of other fees in the insertion order. For example, a color surcharge might be a percentage of the display’s advertisement cost.

Eligible for Sales Commission

Checkbox. If this option is checked, products sold with this product type are eligible for a sales commission. Typically, display advertisements are eligible for commission, but surcharge fees and classified advertisement fees are not.

Eligible For Agency Commission

Checkbox. If this option is checked, products sold with this product type are eligible for an agency commission.


Checkbox. If this option is checked, products with this product type are eligible to be renewed if their Available Thru date has passed.

Production Related Defaults

Include in Page Plan

Checkbox. When a new advertising product is created with the same product type code as this record, the Include In Page Plan flag is set to the value defined for this field. The page plan is a report that lists all insertion orders flagged to be included in the page plan. The report is used to assign advertisements to page numbers and positions on the page.

Include In Display Ad Page Count

Checkbox. If this option is checked, products with this product type will be included in the display ad page count.

Line Status Defaults for New Orders

Default Advertising Status

Drop-down. Select the default advertising product line status. For example, Active or Proforma.

See Also:

·            Advertising Organization Unit Settings

·            Defining Advertising Parameters