Changing Your Default Call and Submission Type

Administrators can select a default call and submission type. The purpose for doing this is so the system will default the search parameters according to the selected default call and submission type. If a Default Call and Submission Type are NOT selected in the back office, when the administrator logs in for the FIRST time, he/she will need to select their default call and submission type. Thereafter, the system will always set the default call and submission type to the last call and submission type that the administrator was working with.

If there is only one current, open call, that call will be selected by default when the administrator logs in.

To set your default call and submission type:

1.    Log into your eBusiness site using your administrator credentials.

2.    From the main menu, click Abstracts and Submissions.
The Home page displays, as shown below.

3.    From the "I'll be working with" section, select your default call from the first drop-down, as highlighted below.

4.    From the "I'll be working with" section, select your default submission type from the second drop-down, as highlighted below.

The default call and submission type selected display at the top of the screen, as highlighted below.

Once your default call and submission type have been selected, you can simply link the link highlighted above to access the Home page and change your defaults again.

See Also:

·            Overview: Working with ABS as an Administrator

·            Working with ABS Reviewers Across Calls

·            Creating a Call for Participation/Papers

·            Creating a Submission Type

·            Working with Submissions

·            Working with Reviewers